Hi Every one, Nowadays, investing is an Art to create money for you & for your clients for a long relationship will describe investing in 4 simple parts: 1) Mindset The time starts from 1 week, 1 month,3 months, 1 year or 2 years, amount - any amount either it is small or big vision - for what purpose and for what work you had kept that amount clarity - that you know everything about the company their financials, working style long term gain whatsoever happens you will not listen to anyone if you are clear on reading about the company and their financial details. 2) Adequate Return First, know what is Adequate return; The return which is giving More than ( fix Amount Exp- FD, saving Ac interest, EPF or any kind of fix return either it may be ( 6% 7 % 8 % ) Return giving more than fix Exp - SIP, MF lum sum, Direct investment in stocks Return must be abo...