What are the Financial Instruments Traded on the Stock Market?
What are the Financial Instruments Traded on the Stock Market? Investing in the stock market involves the exchange of financial instruments which is continuous and ongoing. Some people (Intraday or day traders) do not hold their financial instruments for long by buying or selling on the same day while others trade for the long term and hold financial instruments. What is a financial instrument? A financial instrument is defined as a document that indicates an asset to one individual (this person is owed) and a liability (this person owes) to another individual. All financial instruments aren’t traded in the stock market e.g. cheques. The financial instruments that are specifically traded on the stock market are shares/stocks, derivatives bonds and Mutual fund. Shares/ stocks One buys a share to sell them at a profit to earn a return on your investment. Share prices fluctuate constantly which is known as volatility. It is volatility that makes profits poss...