Trading Mistakes in stock market & how to overcome from it
Hi every one
I just want to share interesting things
about stock market traders why 80 % of people loose money
1) low patience level
2 ) Overtrading
3) High leverage using
4) Not at all calculative about Risk if something went wrong
5) Trading in the stock market for time pass
6) Taking every one view after trade if goes wrong
7) Blaming everyone for his mistake after the trade
8) He never learns from his past trading Mistakes
9) After losing money to cover loss he starts Revenge trade
10) Taking money from friends Relatives and banks for Trading is very risky friends don't
do this by this you are taking 2-way risk never ever do this you will put your both legs in
the deep problem even some of using credit cards for this
Dear friends if you analysis all thing is common in all if you overcome all mistake you can make good profits
Example even - Make note of trade every day what to do / What not to do
( keep in front of your eyes )
if you make 1% of your capital everyday maximum 22 trading days in the month Example 100000 /- Rs capital invested for trading 1 % stands for 1000/-Rs
suppose you trade every day you make 1000/-Rs profit or loss I am dam sure you can't be wrong every day this ratio works superbly even if you are wrong 18 days you will make at list 4000/-Rs a month and my dear friends this is very good return 4 % return is much better then losing money either you follow basics for trading or be invested for the long term in good stocks
( In simple line if have to say trade with Strict Stop-loss or book profit of 1000/-Rs respective of Amount and this works even I use this ) after doing lots of mistakes
( I had seen people can wait in FD to mature 5 years but he can't wait for 1 day or 1 hr in the Stock market )
happy learning
Hemant pagi
tweeter id -@hemantpagi2
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