Basic of Investing
Hi Every one,
Nowadays, investing is an Art to create money for you & for your clients for a long relationship will describe investing in 4 simple parts:
1) Mindset
The time starts from 1 week, 1 month,3 months, 1 year or 2 years, amount - any amount either it is small or big vision - for what purpose and for what work you had kept that amount clarity - that you know everything about the company their financials, working style long term gain whatsoever happens you will not listen to anyone if you are clear on reading about the company and their financial details.
2) Adequate Return
First, know what is Adequate return; The return which is giving More than ( fix Amount Exp- FD, saving Ac interest, EPF or any kind of fix return either it may be ( 6% 7 % 8 % ) Return giving more than fix Exp - SIP, MF lum sum, Direct investment in stocks Return must be above 10% or more than that but not less than fix asset As above said
3) Fear
Very big point but it is clear that if you need good return then you need to take the risk but every risk you take you to learn from that, every big investor had taken a risk to take return and 80% of them had made big returns on that but," when you invest you should follow every big investor who made big return had never listened, anyone, they keep on investing in strong business and Good companies(if you can't Do that invest in SIP or Mutual fund where Good fund managers manage your money into the good company) for your return
.4) Greed
Never goes for short term Return it will not last long you will earn 1 day 2 days more on 3rd day but you will lose the whole return on 4th day ( Trading is Good but over trading is not Good ) only 8% or max 10% of people had money from Trading but 90 % lose if you are fresher never try for this better you do Sip, very Good AMC are there in India very very good fund managers with long experience track them listen to them where they are investing 90% of peoples fail to can troll their Greed and they lose hard-earned money.
So investors be wise when investingWi.
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