What is alpha in mutual funds ?
Hello friends lets understand very important topic for Mutual fund investors must understand this
What is alpha in mutual funds ?
Alpha is a metric used in mutual fund analysis to measure a fund's ability to generate returns that are better than its benchmark index. It's calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula, which is:
- Alpha
- (Mutual fund return -- risk free return (Rf))
- ((Benchmark return -- risk free return (Rf)) beta)
The baseline value for alpha is 0, which means the fund earns the same returns as the index. An alpha above 0 indicates that the fund outperforms the index, while an alpha below 0 suggests that the fund underperforms
Alpha is important because it can help investors compare funds to identify those that have consistently outperformed their benchmarks while maintaining a level of volatility that aligns with their risk tolerance. It can also help investors understand the risk-return profiles of different funds so they can choose funds that are compatible with their long-term investment objectives
Alpha generation depends on the fund manager's stock-picking ability. If the fund manager can identify the right companies and invest in them at the right valuation, they can generate significant alpha for investors
Alpha in mutual funds is probably the most important performance measures of a mutual fund scheme.
Alpha is the excess returns relative to market benchmark for a given amount of risk taken by the scheme
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