The Most Effective Triangle trading pattern

Hellow friends Lets understnad The Most Effective Triangle trading pattern What we have to do in this read below Just we need to check Gap up & gap down stock Thumb Rule Minimum Stock or Index should be 1 % + Positive or 1 % - Negative We should find Top gainers Or Top Looser With 1% or 2 % Swing Next step before entering into trade Our Budget is very important Suppose our budget is 100000 Lac INR Then we need to find out what are the option we can choose with this Now we made a Mind to enter with our budget Cash Stock- Limited Risk limited profit Future Stock - No Budget Stock option- We have Budget we can go for this Now we should buy a call Option if we find Stock is Positive & Put option if we find there is Negative trend But which strike price we should buy? ATM Call option – Or ATM Put option What should be our target? What should be our Stop loss? ...