Hello friends let's understand this Xirr & CAGR One of the main reasons behind mutual fund investments is expecting inflation-beating returns, if not more. However, whenever people hear about a certain rate of return generated by mutual funds in India, they become doubtful of what to expect, like X person in the example given below: X person wanted to invest in suitable mutual fund schemes and started checking the expected returns. On digging further, he found that some popular schemes offered a five-year return of 10%, a 3-year return of 8%, and so on. These numbers confused him and terms like CAGR and XIRR, written next to returns, added to the confusion. Many individuals like X person find it challenging to understand such terms. Here, we will cover CAGR vs XIRR in detail to help you understand the differences between the two. WHAT IS CAGR? CAGR stands for Compounded Annual Growth Rate and is the most common tool to measure the returns generated by a mutual fund scheme. It s...