Nifty vs Gold Returns over 15 years (2006-2023) – Where to invest?

Nifty vs Gold Returns over 15 years (2006-2023) – Where to invest? Nifty and Gold are 2 investment options that are favorites among Indian investors but both the investments belong to different types of asset classes. Nifty belongs to equity asset class while Gold belongs to commodities. Inherently, both asset classes have different characteristics when it comes to evaluating the risk weighted returns Equities are known to perform better when the economy is doing good and businesses are booming with profits while commodities like Gold are known to preserve investment value and protect capital when the economy is weak. Interestingly, over a period of 15 years both the types of investments have given an almost identical average annualized returns of ~12% which in itself is a very good rate of return. To get that into perspective, a return of 12% compounded over 15 years, increases your invested capital by 5.5x or to keep it simple, ₹1 Lakh invested becomes ₹5.5 Lakh. Even though the retu...